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image microsoft: Weekly News Letter: SecurityFocus Microsoft Newsletter #171 image
SecurityFocus Microsoft Newsletter #171

1. Digital Signatures And European Laws
By Mirella Mazzeo

This article discusses the security requirements for electronic
communications and commerce with European governments and many European-
based businesses. It will also give an overview of the current trends for
public key infrastructure in Europe, useful for any organization that does
business with the EU.

2. IIS Lockdown and Urlscan
By Nishchal Bhalla and Rohyt Belani

This article discusses two important tools provided by Microsoft, IIS
Lockdown and Urlscan, that target significant security-related
configuration problems for IIS versions 6.0, 5.0, and earlier.

3. Locking your door in 2004
By Tim Mullen

Teach your users to think as you do... and other resolutions for the new

1. Microsoft Internet Explorer Malicious Shortcut Self-Executin...
BugTraq ID: 9335
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
A vulnerability has been reported that may permit remote attackers to
execute arbitrary code on client systems running Microsoft Internet
Explorer. A reliable source has created a proof-of-concept that causes a
malicious self-executing HTML file to install and run an executable on the
client system. This issue may be exploited from within a malicious web

The malicious self-executing HTML file includes embedded script code that
abuses Shell Helper objects to obtain a shortcut file (.lnk), change its
parameters, save it to disk and then execute the file pointed to by the
shortcut. This will result in execution of arbitrary code.

In the proof-of-concept, a Shell Helper object is created and given the
following namespace:
C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessories

The ParseName method will then be called on a shortcut (.lnk) file and the
GetLink method is called on the shortcut with the link path pointing to
the 'mshta.exe' executable (which is the Windows program used to parse
HTML application files). This executable is used to run an external HTA
file. A hostile shortcut will then be saved and opened on the client
system. This shortcut will point to a malicious executable.

Shell Helper objects and use of the HTML Application interpreter present
only one attack vector for exploitation of this issue. There may be other
attack vectors, though none have been reported at this time.

This issue is similar to the vulnerability described in BID 8984.

Separate sources have reported conflicting details. One source claims
that this issue only works if the self-executing file is run in the
context of the Local Zone. The other source implies that this works from
a remote site on some Windows platforms but on Windows 2003 it will not
work remotely and would likely require another vulnerability to cause the
self-executing HTML file to be interpreted in the context of the Local
Zone. If the vulnerability does require exploitation of another issue to
cause active content to be interpreted in the context of the Local Zone,
there is still a slightly lessened security risk associated with this
vulnerability. This BID will be updated as further details are made

2. GoodTech Telnet Server Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerabilit...
BugTraq ID: 9337
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
GoodTech Telnet Server is a commercial telnet daemon implementation that
is available for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

GoodTech Telnet Server is reportedly prone to a denial of service
vulnerability. This condition occurs prior to authentication when
excessive data is received by the server. It is possible to reproduce
this condition by sending 8245 bytes of data to the server while logging
in. This will cause a server crash, requiring a restart for normal
functionality to be restored. Exploitation could result in memory
corruption, which could in turn be leveraged to execute arbitrary code,
though this has not been confirmed by Symantec.

This vulnerability appears similar in nature to BID 862, though the amount
of data required to trigger the issue is different. If this issue is
indeed the same as BID 862, this BID will be retired and the earlier BID
will be updated accordingly.

3. EasyDynamicPages config_page.php Remote PHP File Include Vul...
BugTraq ID: 9338
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
EasyDynamicPages is a content management system that is written in PHP.
It is available for Unix/Linux derivatives and Microsoft Windows operating

EasyDynamicPages is prone to a remote file include vulnerability. The
source of this vulnerability is that the 'config_page.php' script includes
an external file ('admin/site_settings.php') in such a way that the
attacker may influence the include path of the file. If the attacker
specifies an include path to a malicious PHP script on an
attacker-controlled server, this could result in execution of the
malicious script in the context of the web server hosting the vulnerable

Exploitation will permit a remote attacker to gain interactive access to
the vulnerable system.

4. YaSoft Switch Off Large Packet Remote Denial Of Service Vuln...
BugTraq ID: 9339
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
Switch Off is a freely available remote PC management suite. It is
available for the Microsoft Windows platform.

A vulnerability has been identified in the YaSoft Switch Off software
package when handling large packets. This may make it possible for a
remote user to deny service to legitimate users of the service.

The problem is in the handling of traffic on the management port. The
software launches a service that binds to TCP port 8000, allowing remote
users to connect via a web browser. However, when a request of 10240
bytes followed by two Carriage-Return and Line-Feed sequences (CRLF) is
sent to the service, the software enters a loop that stops only when the
process is terminated. The issue reportedly exists in 'swnet.dll'. A
manual restart of the service is required to resume normal functionality.

5. YaSoft Switch Off swnet.dll Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabi...
BugTraq ID: 9340
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
Switch Off is a freely available remote PC management suite. It is
available for the Microsoft Windows platform.

A vulnerability has been identified in the YaSoft Switch Off software
package when handling message requests. This may make it possible for a
remote user to execute arbitrary code through a vulnerable server.

Switch Off has a function for authenticated users that allows the user to
send a message. The buffer overrun condition exists in the 'swnet.dll'
module of the software due to insufficient bounds checking performed by
the affected component. The overflow may be caused by sending an
excessively long 'message' parameter to the application. Because of this,
it is possible for a user to send a request to the service that overwrites
sensitive process memory, and could result in the execution of code with
SYSTEM privileges.

6. Microsoft Word Form Protection Password Removal Weakness
BugTraq ID: 9342
Remote: No
Date Published: Jan 02 2004
Relevant URL:
A weakness in the handling of password protection of Microsoft Word
documents has been identified. Because of this, the issue may make the
defeat of password protection on forms more likely. This could create a
false sense of security since the feature is often mistakenly used to
protect documents from unauthorized modification.

When a Microsoft Word document has protection for forms turned on, the
password for the protection feature is stored in the Word document. When
this document is saved into a HTML document, the password stored in the
Word document is placed in hash form in the w:UnprotectPassword header
field within the HTML document.

The attacker could circumvent this protection by locating the hash in the
saved HTML version of the document and then use a utility such as a hex
editor to locate and edit the stored password in the original Word
document. Upon modifying the hash contained in the Word document to a
string of 0x00000000, resulting in the password for the document being set
to a blank string.

It should be noted that the vendor has stated that this feature is not
intended to provide document security but instead is implemented to aid in
collaborative situations where all parties are trusted. However, this
issue still presents a security risk in scenarios where the feature is
mistakenly used as a measure to prevent documents from being modified.

7. Net2Soft Flash FTP Server Remote Directory Traversal Vulnera...
BugTraq ID: 9350
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 03 2004
Relevant URL:
Flash FTP Server is a commercially-available FTP server software package
for Microsoft Windows. It is distributed and maintained by Net2Soft.

A problem in the handling of directory traversal sequences has been
discovered in Net2Soft Flash FTP Server. This may make it possible for an
attacker to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

The problem is in the handling of slash-dot-dot (/..) sequences. The FTP
server does not properly sanitize requests issued with commands. Because
of this, an attacker has the ability to potentially execute commands
outside of the FTP root directory, including but not limited to file
access and file creation.

8. ASPApp PortalAPP Remote User Database Access Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 9354
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 04 2004
Relevant URL:
PortalApp is a commercially available web application software package for
the Microsoft Windows platform.

A problem has been identified in ASPapp PortalApp when user credentials
are stored on a system. Because of this, an attacker may be able to gain
unauthorized access to sensitive information.

The problem is in the handling of mdb files. User credentials such as
usernames and passwords are stored in mdb files inside of the PortalApp
web hierarchy. Insufficient default access control is placed on these
database files, making it possible for a remote user to gain unauthorized
access to user credentials.

9. ASP-Nuke Remote User Database Access Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 9355
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 04 2004
Relevant URL:
ASP-Nuke is a freely available web application software package for the
Microsoft Windows platform.

A problem has been identified in ASP-Nuke when user credentials are stored
on a system. Because of this, an attacker may be able to gain unauthorized
access to sensitive information.

The problem is in the handling of mdb files. User credentials such as
usernames and passwords are stored in mdb files inside of the ASP-Nuke web
hierarchy. Insufficient default access control is placed on these database
files, making it possible for a remote user to gain unauthorized access to
user credentials.

10. Lotus Domino Initialization Files Weak Default Permissions V...
BugTraq ID: 9366
Remote: No
Date Published: Jan 06 2004
Relevant URL:
Domino is the e-mail server distributed by Lotus. It is available for the
Unix, Linux, and Microsoft operating systems.

A vulnerability has been identified in Lotus Domino for the Linux
operating system. Due to an issue with installation permissions, it may
be possible to modify sensitive configuration files.

The problem is in the default permissions of initialization files. By
default, the /local/notesdata/notes.ini and /opt/lotus/LPSilent.ini
initialization files are installed with world read-write UNIX file
permissions. Because of this, an attacker can modify these files to force
Domino to perform potentially dangerous actions.

11. Open Text Corporation FirstClass Local File Reference Comman...
BugTraq ID: 9370
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 06 2004
Relevant URL:
FirstClass is a mail user agent distributed and maintained by the Open
Text Corporation. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform.

A vulnerability has been identified in the handling of URIs that reference
local content by Open Text Corporation FirstClass software. An attacker
can create a HTML link using one of these URIs (such as file://) that when
clicked on by a target user results in the execution of system commands.
Commands executed through this means would be carried out with the
privileges of the user logged into the system.

This vulnerability can be exploited by sending a malicious e-mail with the
hostile link to a victim user.

12. SnapStream PVS Lite Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 9375
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 06 2004
Relevant URL:
SnapStream Personal Video Station (PVS) Lite is multimedia software for
Microsoft Windows platforms.

SnapStream PVS Lite is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. The
vulnerability is due to insufficient input validation of user-supplied
input, that will be included in web pages that are generated by the
software. In particular, certain variations of embedded HTML tags are not

An attacker could exploit this issue by enticing a victim user to follow a
malicious link to a system hosting the software that contains embedded
HTML and script code. The embedded code may be rendered in the web browser
of the victim user.

This could be exploited to steal cookie-based authentication credentials
from legitimate users. Other attacks are also possible since the attacker
can influence how the site will be rendered to the victim user.

13. RealOne Player SMIL File Script Execution Variant Vulnerabil...
BugTraq ID: 9378
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 07 2004
Relevant URL:
RealOne Player is a media player that is available for a number of
platforms including Microsoft Windows and MacOS systems.

RealOne Player includes support for Synchronized Multimedia Integration
Language (SMIL) presentations.

A vulnerability has been reported in RealOne Player. Script embedded in
SMIL presentations may be executed in the context of a domain that is
specified by an attacker. In particular, if a URI is opened from within a
SMIL file, embedded script code may access the properties of the URI's

This could allow for theft of cookie-based authentication credentials, but
more seriously, could also cause embedded script code to be executed in
the context of the My Computer Zone. Given the ability to execute script
code in the My Computer Zone, it is possible to exploit other security
flaws to cause malicious executables to be installed and executed on
client systems.

This issue is a variant of the vulnerability described in BID 8453. The
syntax used to embed script code is different than the previous
vulnerability, and this new issue affects fixed versions of the player.
This vulnerability may be exploited with file:javascript: syntax, where
the previous issue just used a plain javascript: URI. Some other
limitations are placed on the syntax that may be used in the embedded
code, but it has been demonstrated that these restrictions may be bypassed
by converting restricted characters to unicode.

As with the previous issue, there is also a likelihood that malicious
script code could be embedded into other file types that are handled by
the player.

14. Kroum Grigorov KpyM Telnet Server Remote Buffer Overflow Vul...
BugTraq ID: 9379
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 07 2004
Relevant URL:
Kroum Grigorov KpyM (KTS) is a telnet server that runs on Microsoft
Windows platforms.

KpyM Telnet Server has been reported to be prone to a remote buffer
overflow vulnerability. Because of this, it may be possible for a remote
attacker to gain unauthorized access to a system running the vulnerable
software. The condition is present due to insufficient boundary checking.

The issue presents itself when an attacker sends request with more than
10000 characters to the server. Immediate consequences of an attack may
result in a denial of service condition.

An attacker may leverage the issue by exploiting an unbounded memory copy
operation to overwrite the saved return address/base pointer, causing an
affected procedure to return to an address of their choice. Successful
exploitation of this issue may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code
in the context of the vulnerable software in order to gain unauthorized
access, however, this has not been confirmed at the moment.

KpyM versions 1.05 and prior have been reported to be prone to this issue.

15. Yahoo! Messenger File Transfer Buffer Overrun Variant Vulner...
BugTraq ID: 9383
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 08 2004
Relevant URL:
Yahoo! Messenger is the instant message client distributed and maintained
by Yahoo!. It is available for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Yahoo! Messenger is vulnerable to a remotely exploitable buffer overrun
issue. This vulnerability is due to insufficient bounds checking during
user-initiated file transfer requests.

An attacker may trigger this condition by initiating file transfer using a
file name of specific constructs, which the victim user must then accept.
The file name must be in excess of 218 bytes. This will reportedly result
in an exploitable buffer overflow condition. The condition exists in the
ft.dll component, which handles file transfers for the client.

An attacker may theoretically exploit this condition to execute arbitrary
code on a client system. Code executed on the target system would be with
the privileges of the Yahoo! Messenger client.

16. HD Soft Windows FTP Server Username Format String Vulnerabil...
BugTraq ID: 9385
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 08 2004
Relevant URL:
HD Soft Windows FTP Server is a FTP server application for Microsoft
Windows platforms.

Windows FTP Server has been reported to be prone to a remote format string
vulnerability when processing a malicious request from a client.

The vulnerability presents itself when the server receives a malicious
request containing embedded format string specifiers from a remote client
when supplying a username during FTP authentication. The source of the
problem is incorrect use of a formatted printing function, which processes
data supplied during FTP server authentication. As a result, format
specifiers supplied in this manner will be interpreted literally and may
result in attacker-specified memory being corrupted or disclosed.

Although it has been demonstrated that this could crash the server, the
vulnerability could also theoretically allow for execution of arbitrary
code on the system hosting the server. This would occur in the security
context of the server process.

Windows FTP Server versions 1.6 and prior are reported to be prone to this

1. Active Directory Question (Thread)
Relevant URL:

2. Accessing eventlogs remotely on W2K3 Server (Thread)
Relevant URL:

3. Article Announcement: IIS Lockdown and Urlscan (Thread)
Relevant URL:

4. SecurityFocus Microsoft Newsletter #170 (Thread)
Relevant URL:

1. AccessMaster
By: Evidian Inc.
Platforms: IRIX, Solaris, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT
Relevant URL:

Extending onto a networked world means embracing the unknown. Piracy,
vandalism, industrial espionage... - attacks on companies are doubling
each year. With uniquely integrated security software, AccessMaster
manages and safeguards access to your data, end-to-end, from portals to
legacy, and lets you enforce a single, unified security policy across the
enterprise and beyond.

AccessMaster ensures high security level by federating your existing
security solutions, while ensuring at the same time user's convenience
with Single Sign-On and security officer's ease of administration with
centralized, Ldap-compliant, user and PKI management. In this way,
AccessMaster reduces IT security cost of ownership, with rapid return on

AccessMaster is recognized by analysts as a leading security suite for
large enterprises today. It was awarded best access control software by
Secure Computing Magazine three years running, in 2000, 2001, and 2002.

2. KeyGhost SX
By: KeyGhost Ltd
Platforms: BeOS, DOS, Linux, OS/2, Solaris, SunOS, Windows 2000, Windows
95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP
Relevant URL:

KeyGhost SX discreetly captures and records all keystrokes typed,
including chat conversations, email, word processor, or even activity
within an accounting or specialist system. It is completely undetectable
by software scanners and provides you with one of the most powerful
stealth surveillance applications offered anywhere.

Because KeyGhost uses STRONG 128-Bit encryption to store the recorded data
in it?s own internal memory (not on the hard drive), it is impossible for
a network intruder to gain access to any sensitive data stored within the

3. SafeKit
By: Evidian Inc.
Platforms: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows 2000
Relevant URL:

Evidian's SafeKit technology makes it possible to render any application
available 24 hours per day. With no extra hardware: just use your existing
servers and install this software-only solution.

This provides ultimate scalability. As your needs grow, all you need to do
is add more standard servers into the cluster. With the load balancing
features of SafeKit, you can distribute applications over multiple
servers. If one system fails completely, the others will continue to serve
your users.

4. SecurDataStor
By: encryptX Corporation
Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP
Relevant URL:

The SecurDataStor product line is designed to provide a comprehensive
software security solution that manages and controls access to sensitive
information that you need to share internally and externally.
SecurDataStor is available in three versions: Basic, Premium, and
Platinum. Depending on the level of security that you need, you can choose
the SecurDataStor product that suits your needs.

With its end-to-end protection of sensitive business information,
SecurDataStor products protect sensitive information when used by the
originator, stored locally on a hard drive or file server, and when
shared. Users can safely share sensitive information across different
Microsoft Windows operating systems, over different network and firewall
technologies, and across different forms of removable media.

5. Proactive Windows Security Explorer
By: Elcomsoft Co. Ltd.
Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP
Relevant URL:

Proactive Windows Security Explorer (PWSEX) is a password security test
tool that's designed to allow Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows
XP-based systems administrators to identify and close security holes in
their networks. Proactive Windows Security Explorer helps secure networks
by executing an audit of account passwords, and exposing insecure account
passwords. If it is possible to recover the password within a reasonable
time, the password is considered insecure.

An administrator can also use it to recover any lost password and access a
user's Windows account. Proactive Windows Security Explorer works by
analyzing user password hashes and recovering plain-text passwords.

6. Outpost Personal Firewall Pro 2.0
By: Agnitum
Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP
Relevant URL:

New Outpost Personal Firewall Pro 2.0 outdistances the award-winning
Outpost Personal Firewall Pro 1.0 on multiple levels, from enhanced
privacy features to ease-of-use. As the foremost security application for
personal computers, Outpost Personal Firewall Pro 2.0 gives you the latest
in personal firewall technology, making version 2.0 the clear security
choice for your system.

1. mrtg v2.10.12
By: Tobias Oetiker
Relevant URL:
Platforms: POSIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT

The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic
load on network-links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing GIF/PNG images
which provide a live visual representation of this traffic.

2. Big Brother 1.9e
By: Sean MacGuire, [email protected]
Relevant URL:
Platforms: AIX, BSDI, DG-UX, Digital UNIX/Alpha, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX,
Linux, MacOS, NetBSD, Netware, SCO, SINIX, Solaris, SunOS, True64 UNIX,
Ultrix, UNICOS, UNIX, Unixware, Windows NT

Big Brother is a combination of monitoring methods. Unlike SNMP where
information is just collected and devices polled, Big Brother is designed
in such a way that each local system broadcasts its own information to a
central location. Simultaneously, Big Brother also polls all networked
systems from a central location. This creates a highly efficient and
redundant method for proactive network monitoring.

3. Fingerprint Verification System v0.1.0
By: Shivang Patel
Relevant URL:
Platforms: FreeBSD, Linux, UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT

Fingerprint Verification System is an easy-to-use library that allows
programmers to integrate fingerprint technology into their software
without specific know-how. It is fast and small, and is great for embedded

4. Mod_security v 1.8dev1
By: Ivan Ristic
Relevant URL:
Platforms: FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP

ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine
for web applications. It operates embedded into the web server, acting as
a powerful umbrella - shielding applications from attacks. ModSecurity
supports Apache (both branches) today, with support for Java-based servers
coming soon.

5. Stealth HTTP Security Scanner v2.0b47
By: qw erty
Relevant URL:
Platforms: Linux, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT

Stealth 1.0 scans for 2883 HTTP vulnerabilities. This tool is designed
especially for the system administrators, security consultants and IT
professionals to check the possible security holes and to confirm any
present security vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Totally free
for commercial and non-commercial use.

6. IDA Pro - Freeware Edition
By: DataRescue Inc.
Relevant URL:
Platforms: DOS, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT

The freeware version of the Interactive Disassembler Pro. Supports 80x86
binaries and FLIRT, a unique Fast Library Identification and Recognition
Technology that automagically recognizes standard compiler library calls.
Widely used in COTS validation and hostile code analysis.

Posted on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 @ 10:01:35 EST by phoenix22



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