How do I configure MailWasher Pro for AOL?
First, you need to set up your AOL email account in MailWasher Pro:
Click Tools>>Accounts>Add from the MailWasher Pro menu.
This action opens the "Select an Account" window. In this window, you are asked to select an account type. Select the AOL option and click OK.
This will open the "Account details for an AOL Account" window. This window is comprised of two tabs.
In the first of these, the "Mail Account" tab, all you are required to do is enter a name of your choice for the account. This is the name MailWasher Pro will use to refer to the account. The "Include this account in default mail check" box should be checked if you'd like MailWasher to check this AOL account by default when you click the "Check Mail" button on the main screen, and during the automatic mail check if you have enabled this feature in MailWasher Pro.
The second tab, the "Incoming Mail" tab, requires you to enter your AOL email address, and your AOL password. If you wish MailWasher Pro to remember your password check the Remember Password box.
Next, you need to specify your email application in MailWasher Pro.
There are two ways in which you can access your AOL email account – using the AOL mail web interface (webpage) or using the AOL Mailbox program which is provided as part of your AOL software.
In order to maximise MailWasher Pro's effectiveness we recommend that you use the web interface option. The reason for this is that using the AOL mailbox can cause spam email to be downloaded to your computer automatically before MailWasher Pro has an opportunity to intercept it.
If you wish to access your AOL email through the web interface, click Tools>>Options>>'Specify...'. Select 'Specify a mail client command' and enter '' in the box provided*.
Click OK.
*this can be changed to, etc. depending on your email address.
If you wish to use the AOL Mailbox program to access your email, click Tools>>Options>>'Specify...'. Select 'Use a preconfigured mail client' and select 'AOL' from the list.
Click OK
I usually connect to the internet by starting AOL. How can I have MailWasher Pro check my mail without starting AOL first?
Firstly, you should set up MailWasher Pro* to connect to the internet automatically:
Click Tools>>Options>>Connections.
If you have a dial-up connection, >>'Dial up to the Internet'. Otherwise, select 'Do not Dial Up to the internet'. Click OK.
Tick Tools>>Options>>'Perform default mail check on startup'. Click OK.
Then, you need to make sure your internet connection is configured correctly in Windows:
If you have a dial-up connection, click Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Internet Options>>Connections, and make sure that your internet connection is labelled 'default'.
If you have a LAN connection, click Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Internet Options>>Connections>>LAN Settings, and tick 'automatically detect settings'.
Once you have done this, you should use the following sequence when connecting to the internet:
Start MailWasher Pro – this will establish your internet connection.
Allow MailWasher Pro to connect to your AOL email account. If you do not have your AOL email account(s) included in your default email check you should check at least one manually (click the small down arrow beside MailWasher Pro's 'Check Mail' button and select an AOL account by name).
MailWasher Pro will then list your email messages. You should mark these messages for processing as you wish, then click 'Process Mail'. MailWasher Pro will then delete your unwanted mail and start AOL for you.
From this point you can use MailWasher Pro and AOL as you normally would.
*All instructions refer to MailWasher Pro version 3.2